“Breakfast”. Alcoholic: The Dark Side.


Your Town
Through Harold’s Lens:

9:06 am
The Diner

“Good morning, Susan”

“Mornin’, Harry”

“What’ll it be this morning?”

“Double martini
Extra dry
Chilled stem
Two olives”

“Rough night again?”

Damn kids
The old man
Bitch of a fight”

“This will fix you up”

“How about something to eat?”

“15 minutes, Harry”

Over easy
Shot of Smirnoff”

Hit me again


Ring. Ring. Ring.
Alcoholics Anonymous.
Can I help you?”

“My name is Susan.
I’m an alcoholic.”

18 responses

  1. Hi Harold: This is my experience on The Alcoholic: Climate change is a major political concern.

    A cop stopped me at a traffic stop and said I should stop exhaling CO2 because I was causing the next hurricane. Then he pulled out a breathalyzer. I passed because my breath was only alcohol.


    I upgraded my WordPress website on WordPress.org: http://johnschwartzauthor.com. Just started. Have a look and let me know if you like it. It’s not as artful as your website, but it’s a start.
    I clicked again on your “Follow me””, as I like your travels and comments/poems.
    Cheers, John Schwartz


    • Thanks John. Nice to hear from you again. Sorry I did not send my appreciation earlier. Without my Mac for five weeks, I have been traveling in Turkey with Mr. SLR Nikon and his brother Mr. Pen Pal. You got a great start going on your web. Keep going. Thank you for your nice comments. It took me many months to massage and fine tune mine, and I am still doing it one year later.


    • Thank you Liz. I love punch and power! “Breakfast”. The Alcoholic. was inspired by an actual event that I saw when I was 17. In 1957, early one morning about 8am, driving up a major road in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, I had to stop at a traffic light. I looked to my right and there was a small bar with the front door open. I looked in and two elderly men were sitting at the bar drinking martinis on the stem. I was appalled. Is this what retirement was like I asked myself? I have never forgot that moment in time over 50 years later.


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