“Five Senses”


Please start the music first, as you are enjoying the images and words.
You will receive the full sensual experience of this story.

Through Harold lens:

Early dawn
Soft fog kissing Left Bank
Strolling narrow winding lane
Door to coffee roaster shop

Sense one kicks in

Rich coffee aroma waffs calm air
Light dew rests on tiny round table
My friend SLR Nikon takes chair two
“Bonjour!”. “Café?”, the white aproned waiter says
“Oui, s’il vous plaît. Dark French Roast
More caffeine than shot of expresso.

Sense two kicks in

Grrrrrrr. Grrrrrrr. Grrrrrrr.
Bouncing coffee beans

Sense three kicks in

Deep, brown, grounds steep in hot water
French press.
Atop silver tray
Atop raised L-shaped arm
“Merci”, I smile.

Sense four kicks in

Mesh plunger plunges
Steam & hot coffee pour
Paisley cup.

Sense five kicks in

Tongue twitches
Heavy full body flows across lips
Intense. Distinct. Bold. Smoky. Smooth.
Romantically rich, full feeling lingers on my palate.

First morning cup
Dear friend.
